D2C - D2C project comes to life in Slovakia


The initial work meeting of the Slovak project partners took place in August 2nd in Malacky. The project partners - the State Nature Conservation and the Ekopolis Foundation discussed about collaboration in each working package and agreed on dividing of tasks. In general, the SNC will focus mainly on assessment of biocorridors, barriers, land-use etc., while Ekopolis will deal with ecosystem services and GIS methodology and processing. Anyway, work of both partners overlaps a lot, so close coordination of activities was agreed. The field trip in the project pilot area was part of the meeting. Participants checked the problem barrier elements at the industrial park in Malacky as well as likely biocorridor along the Plavecký potok creek.

The meeting was hold in informal atmosphere due really hot weather in Slovakia 

Participants visited the industrial park in Malacky to assess its influence on surrounding ecosystems

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)