
The Danube Transnational Programme organized in Split (Croatia) on 19th July 2018, a training addressed to the communication managers.

The event aimed to inform project communicators about the requirements related to their project communication and to train them on compulsory tools and activities, as well as on some communication techniques useful during the project implementation.

Presentations were given during the training:

  • Eloy Gomez Giron, Communication officer of the DTP Joint Secretariat

He talked about the Importance of communication, Kick-off events, Minimum communication requirements and DTP project websites

  • Laura Pugieu, Communication officer of the MED Programme Joint Secretariat

The communication officer of Med programme explained some good practices in communication from its programme and projects

  • Madalina Corciu, Communication officer of Transgreen project (1st call DTP project)

A representative of Transgreen project presented its innovative communication campaign.

  • Gabriel Alvarez, Communication expert

A communication expert presented some useful techniques such as the use of plain English or storytelling and tools such as social media and free platforms to create infographics and videos. 2 practical exercises on plain English and Communication Plan were done by the participants during the training.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)