MOVECO - Exhibition "The circular economy in the Danube region" in Augsburg (Germany)
(For English text, please see below)
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Praktische Informationen für Besucher
Montag – Donnerstag: 8.00 – 17.00 Uhr
Freitag: 8.00 – 14.00 Uhr
Die MOVECO-Partner sind an folgenden Tagen vor Ort und führen Besucher gerne durch die Ausstellung: am 13., 14., 23. und 29. August, sowie am 7., 12. und 20. September 2018.
Bei Interesse an einer Führung außerhalb dieser Zeiten bitten wir um Anmeldung unter:
Der Eintritt der Ausstellung ist kostenlos.
Technologiezentrum Augsburg
Am Technologiezentrum 5
86159 Augsburg
Eine Anfahrtsskizze finden Sie hier.
In English:
MOVECO's mobile exhibition will start on August 13th, 2018 at Augsburg Innovationspark in Augsburg (Germany). It will be shown until September 20th, 2018. The exhibition will be travelling through four countries in the Danube region: Germany, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Austria.
The exhibition will consist of three major sectors: First, a circular economy sector will giving general insights in circular economy. Second, a local sector, designed by each host country, displaying some products or services as best practice examples. Third, a project sector that gives an overview of all participating countries and organisations from the MOVECO consortium.
The aim of the exhibition concept is to use materials, which can be easily returned back to their life cycles, at the end of the exhibition, with (almost) zero waste.
Invitation in English:
For more information on Augsburg Innovationspark, please click here.
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Facebook: @Moveco.Danube
LinkedIn Group: MOVECO - Interreg
(Photo credits: MOVECO project)