coop MDD - Big jump on Mura river


All across Europe, at the same time - on Sunday 8 July, thousands of people were jumping into rivers and lakes to show their love for the continent's waterways and desire to protect them. In the scope of coop MMD project, Big jump into Mura river was organized by the Office of the State Government of Styria. Visitors have set a sign for the clean water at the river Mura and bathed demonstratively. The exciting countdown 10,9,8... was the starting signal for a joint jump.


Over the past 20 years many projects, such as renaturalization, river widening and environmental protection on both sides of the Mura have been implemented by the water management and have led to a good water quality of the Mura river. While participating in the Big jump event an audience was informed about the progress of the coop MDD project. Once more the companies from Austria and Slovenia "Genuss am Fluss"  provided the guests with special regional delicacies which completed the Sunday experience.

The event sent a clear signal to Europe's politicians that more needs to be done to protect and restore our rivers and implement the ambitious laws in the Water Framework Directive - for the benefit of people and nature.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)