Danube GeoTour - Local publicity action in the Bakony-Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark


Since 2008 the Bakony–Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark annually organizes a geopark contest for small groups of 7-8th grade, enthusiastic students from all over the local schools of the geopark’s area.

This year the project partner had the opportunity to introduce the Danube GeoTour to the 2-4. place winners, they have been awarded to participate in a 3 days educational camp to spend in the Geopark.

The students and their accompanying teachers had the chance to visit some of the most fascinating sites of the Balaton-felvidéki National Park Directorate (such as the Levander House Visitor Centre; Tihany, Pannon Observatory; Bakonybél, Tapolca Lake Cave Visitor Centre; Tapolca, and they had been already visited the Hegyestű Geological Visitor Site; Monoszló – where some of the Geopark’s WP5 pilot actions take place - during the finals of the geopark contest).

A promotional Project presentation has been performed and they have not only heard about but also stepped on the route and visited a stage of the new nature trail that will be established within this Project, soon.

The students also recognized the fundaments of the adopted recommendations (WP3), while their teachers have been provided with the just completed material to promote and evaluate it.

Not least the participants also walked along the routes of some guided geo-hikes, played interactive geo-games (geo-activity), and handcrafted their own ’geoproduct’ as well - such as experimenting pottery.

These dedicated youths have received a lifelong experience and will certainly respect, at one point hopefully interpret the rich heritage of the geopark(s).

Copyright Pictures Bakony-Balaton Geopark

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)