EcoInn Danube - Circular Economy Foundation Hungary


The Circular Economy Foundation Hungary held its quarterly conference at The Impact HUB Budapest. The conference looked to address the number of issues that are currently impacting our environment from the agricultural and food sectors and to the types of solutions that are currently available and can change and remedy the way both consumers and business interact towards the environment.  

Those presenting at the conference where from both NGO’s and local companies who strive to minimize the impact that the sector is producing on the environment and have made it a commitment to find alternative eco-friendly producing solutions. 

Many have incorporated or have combined both past centuries ‘old’ know-how and current digital technology to transform their production in an environmentally friendly and sustained manner. Thereby reducing the amount of waste starting from the farm production process with fertilization, to transportation, logistics, packaging and eventually to the end user ‘consumer’ and minimalization of waste and including re-cycling throughout the food chain cycle.

A few examples of the presenters are; a local catering company that strives to be eco-friendly and to purchase only local food stuffs and supplies for its catering business while at the same time providing edible or biodegradable plates, cups and utensils from which it serves.

Another presenter offers digital technology to the hotel and restaurant industry that forecasts the business sales volume on weekly, daily and hourly turnover, thereby allowing the business to better optimize the amount of food stock purchases in order that waste is minimized throughout the cycle. The savings achievement that the software was able to produce as in excess of 40%.     

Another presenter showed how their fertilization technology using locally grown algae combined with digital instrumentational technology and active monitoring of the weather and soil can analyze and allocate on an automated basis the right amount of fertilization algae and water for the most optimal use to conserve both energy and the environment on a sustainable basis.


More information can be found:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)