Danube S3 Cluster - SMRDA introduced the Danube S3 Cluster project during the 4th Transnational Meeting of ClusterFY consortium


The representatives of South Muntenia Regional Development Agency, as Lead partner of Danube S3 Cluster, presented the project during the 4th Transnational meeting of ClusterFY, organized on 11th-12th June 2018, in Hudiksvall and Gävle, Sweden.

The representatives of SMRDA along with the delegates of DâmboviĊ£a and Prahova County Councils, attended the fourth consortium meeting of ClusterFY - Fostering Clusters’ Interregional Collaboration and Integration into International Value Chains, held in Hudiksvall and Gävle, Sweden, on June 11th and 12th 2018.

During the transnational meeting, the representatives of SMRDA, held a presentation of the project, with the aim of creating synergies and identifying complementarities. The main focus of the presentation was on the project specific activities and results that should be obtained after the project implementation. Danube S3 Cluster - Transnational Cluster Cooperation active on Agro – food, based on Smart Specialization Approach in Danube region is financed under the second call of the Danube Transnational Programme. Its main objective is to leverage the innovation-driven entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Danube Programme area by developing cluster policies in the context of RIS 3, enhance innovation management knowledge and skills and foster transnational cluster cooperation in Agro-Food.

The main topics of discussion of ClusterFY meeting were: the cluster policies of the countries involved in the project, the Smart Specialization Strategies from partner regions, the importance of key enabling technologies (KET) and good practices for the development of clusters in Sweden. Within the study-visits were shared good practices in cluster collaboration. During the second day it was reunited the Steering Committee of the project whose aim was to analyze regional and national policies that enhance clustering processes and programmatic documents presented on June 11th, as well as to prepare the following project activities.

Throughout this event, South Muntenia RDA team succeeded to create synergies between Danube S3 Cluster and ClusterFY, establish connections with cluster representatives and start networking.

The ClusterFY project is implemented by South Muntenia RDA as partner, along with seven other entities in the European Union. The project is funded through the INTERREG Europe Programme and runs from January 1st 2017 until December 31st 2021. The consortium of the project consists of the following partners: Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) – Lithuania – the Lead partner, Northern Netherlands Provinces Alliance - Netherlands, Municipality of Hudiksvall - Sweden, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development - Poland, South Muntenia Regional Development Agency - Romania, University of Castilla-La Mancha - Spain, Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency - Slovakia, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) - Greece. ClusterFY aims to improve regional and national policy instruments seeking to intensify Key Enabling Technologies (KET's) - related clusterization processes, as well as fostering interregional cooperation between and among clusters and business networks and encourage their integration into innovative value chains.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)