
Tara National park, ECO KARST pilot area in Serbia, organized their first workshop with stakeholders on June 19, 2018 in hotel Cepter Drina in Bajina Bašta. On this occasion, 40 stakeholders from the various sectors gathered, including local inhabitants, businessmen, representatives of the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, professors from the Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Biology, representatives of WWF, RRA Zlatibor and municipality Bajina Bašta.

The main objectives of the workshop were to inform  relevant stakeholders in Tara National park region about the ECO KARST project, present the most relevant ecosystem services existing in the park as well as to identify promising business development opportunities from the region.

The workshop was opened by Mr. Dragić Karaklić, a deputy manager of Tara National park who greeted all participants and guests from Slovenian Forest Services, Zavita and Global Nature Fund.

During the first part of the workshop, participants learned more about the ECO KARST project as well as selected ecosystem services and mapping process. With the support of facilitator, Mr. Jovan Memedović, participants discussed selected ecosystem services and the content mapped.

In the second part of the workshop, more insight in Pro Biodiversity Businesses (PBB) term and motivation to launch a Pro Biodiversity Business, participants received from Andrea Peiffer (Global Nature Fund). Peiffer talked about the main principles of PBB and showed some of the best PBB practices in the world.

After this inspiring presentation, participants performed a SWOT analysis of the selected ecosystem services in the context of potential for Pro Biodiversity business development.

“During the activity development in nature protected areas, a participation of stakeholders from different sectors is extremely important.  A workshop on Tara showed how local inhabitants, companies, NGOs, universities and National park administration can cooperate. This way, developed ideas are harmonized with the goals of nature protection as well as with the needs of local inhabitants. With this in mind and deeds, a conservation of peculiar nature for future generations is guaranteed”, said Mr. Matjaž Harmel from Zavita.

The workshop was concluded by presenting the most valuable results together with details about future steps towards sustainable development of Tara National park. A Pro Biodiversity Award where 3 best Pro Biodiversity business ideas will be financially awarded by Tara National park was officially announced.

Photo credit: Tara National park

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)