MOVECO - Training on circular economy innovation tools and fourth partner meeting in Munich
On June 12th and 13th, 2018, the fourth MOVECO partner meeting took place at the premises of the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) in Munich, an institution for the support of Bavaria as a centre for science and innovation within the European research area.
»Tour de Tools« - Internal presentation of circular economy toolbox
One day was dedicated to the training on the circular economy innovation tools for business support organisations, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as other interested stakeholders. Organised as a world café, all circular economy tools were presented, analysed and tested among the partnership, before being published during summer. The circular economy toolbox includes information, qualification, collaboration and financial tools.
A successful and fruitful partner meeting
The second day was dedicated to the fourth MOVECO partner meeting. Topics were among others project management, project communication, the transnational strategy on circular economy for the Danube region, the staff exchanges in the various countries as well as other future activities. All partners analysed completed tasks and were planning future activities and ongoing tasks.
Despite the rainy weather, the atmosphere among the partnership was excellent, which lead to a successful and fruitful meeting. Now, the consortium is looking forward to the next step, the piloting phase of the circular economy tools. So if you are interested in participating a workshop in the different MOVECO countries, please contact the representatives in your country or send an email to
Staff exchange at BayFOR
After the 2-days-meeting, two partner organisations stayed for one more day for a staff exchange at the Bavarian Reserach Alliance (BayFOR). The Institut Mihajlo Pupin and the Slovak Business Agency learned more on BayFOR's main competencies:
- Support of Bavarian institutions in the acquisition of regional, national and European subsidies - strategic consultation regarding proposals and, if required, support for project execution, particularly with regard to the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020.
- International Cooperation - particularly as a site for scientific coordination between Bavaria - Québec and Bavaria – Alberta (Canada).
- Management of the Bavarian Research Associations - as well as their networking at an EU level.
- Representation in Brussels regarding strategic-political representation of interests for Bavarian university research vis-à-vis the European Union (Lobbying).
It was also an excellent opportunity for the partners to exchange about experiences in the different countries and to further work on project tasks.
For more information on MOVECO, we invite you to visit our website and follow us on social media.
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Facebook: @Moveco.Danube
LinkedIn Group: MOVECO - Interreg
(Photo credits: MOVECO project)