NETWORLD - Treasure Hunt - creative workshop in City of Zenica


Department for Development and International Projects of Zenica-Doboj Canton (SSRMP IPA PP2) under WP6.2 (Creative events, youth exchange) organized creative workshop – Treasure Hunt of the NETWORLD project on 29th May 2018 at four locations in the area of the City of Zenica, aiming to increase the specific knowledge of workshop participants on the NETWORLD project, the Danube Program, the World War One, and the events and people involved in the beginning of the World War One.

Creative workshop was organized for the target group of young people aged from 15 to 30 years (primary schools graduates, secondary school students and college students) who can contribute to the preservation of the cultural heritage of the World War One with an economic and social aspect.

The workshop participants were informed about the preservation of the cultural heritage of the World War One, the importance of preserving the cultural heritage of the World War One in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the steps taken to protect those mentioned and to raise awareness of the cultural and historical heritage as well as the significance of the project itself.

The participants of the creative workshop reacted very positively to the presentation of the project, as well as other activities that followed it. They stated that for most of them, it was refreshing that they were part of the presentation of such a significant project and that the history of the Danube region, especially Bosnia and Herzegovina and its significance, has not been forgotten. Most of the participants of the workshop expressed interest to participate in some future activities of the project






Author: Emir Bihorac

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)