Transdanube.Pearls - First Mobility Center officially opened


The Mobility Center in Murska Sobota (Pomurje region, Slovenia) is now officially opened!

The Mobility-information center will operate within the Tourist-information center in the city center of Murska Sobota, not far away from bus and train station and close to the bike rental offers. This activity was implemented by the project partner from Slovenia, the Development Agency Sinergija (RASIN) 

This is one among the first out of eleven mobility centers that will be established in the partner reigons along the Danube.

The Mobility-information center was open on 21st of June by mayor of Municipality Murska Sobota Aleksander Jevšek, director of Development agency Sinergija Stanislav Sraka and director of Institute for Culture, Tourism and Sport Murska Sobota Brigita Perhavec.

According to her, "the Institute for Culture, Tourism and Sport Murska Sobota recognised the potential and meaning of mobility-information center for our region and was more than happy to become coordinator of Pomurje Pearl. Before we established our mobility-information center, we also developed the business plan. During the whole process of establishement of the center we actively involved stakeholders who supported us also at official opening of the center".

Mobility-information center Murska Sobota will be one-stop-shop where tourist, visitors and locals will get all information about sustainable mobility options in the Pomurje region and wider. They will be encouraged to travel sustainably also through new tourist products that will advise how to discover region's cultural and natural »treasures«with means of sustainable mobility.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)