Learning by Doing - Invitation to Round Table: „Dual education – a combination of theory and practice”, by the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Sarajevo Canton


We are informing you that a round table discussion on the topic “Dual education – a combination of theory and practice”on the 21st of June, 2018, starting at 14:00 am in the Secondary technical school of graphic technologies, design and multimedia Sarajevo (Emira Bogunića Čarlija 2, 71210 Ilidža).

The Round table is organized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Sarajevo Canton  in cooperation with Technical School of Graphic Technology, Design and Multimedia" Ilidža.

The project involved 14 countries and 24 partners from the region of the Danube region, which will, through the realization of this project, develop cooperation between educational institutions, chambers of commerce and the private sector, and make strategic ways for modernizing secondary vocational education.

In the light of Bosnia and Herzegovina's future entry into the European Union, the Round Table would like to encourage policymakers and employers to coordinate their strategic development for entrepreneurial competence and vocational education and all with the aim of promoting dual education and linking real needs with enrolment policy in schools.

In the light of Bosnia and Herzegovina's future entry into the Europian Union, this event aimed to encourage educators as well as employers to harmonize their strategic development for entrepreneurial competence and vocational education as well as promoting dual education and linking real needs with enrollment politics in schools.

The round table will be attended by representatives of the Ministry of Education,

Representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Sarajevo Canton, Chamber of Commerce of Canton Sarajevo, the Ilidža Municipality, primary and secondary schools, parents 'and employers' councils would be participants of the Round Table.

For further information please visit our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LearningbyDoingProject/


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)