
The Smart Factory HUB Lead Partner Pomurje Technology Park and project partner Pannon Business Network took part in the ImpactCEE conference which was held in Krakow on13-14 June 2018. Partners were invited into the framework of 3DCentral project (Interreg Central Europe Programme) final conference.

Impact’18 is one of the most important economic events in CEE.

It brought 250+ speakers in order to help exploring the opportunities for creating global digital future.

6000+ attendants participated to explore new business models and to meet innovation leaders.

During the 2 days, in 4 stages through a series of lectures, the participants could get an insight into the  8 main topics which impacting our world

  • 5G economy and the future of IoE
  • Industry 4.0
  • Fintech
  • Science to business
  • Digital state
  • Biotechnology and digital health
  • Transportation energy and environment
  • retail and e-commerce



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)