FORESDA - Collaborative Networks. Are You in?


The FORESDA Collaborative Networks have been launched. They bring together businesses, knowledge providers (R&D organisations) and further stakeholders with the aim to foster the development of new products, processes and services in each of the FORESDA strategic innovation areas:

Smart and sustainable construction and furniture;
Innovative bio-based products and materials – non-conventional uses of wood-based materials;
Energy efficiency.

State of the art and major development trends as well as potential business and market opportunities will be identified in each of the three areas. Especially SMEs shall benefit from the activities of the Collaborative Networks. They will get access to relevant experts, national and transnational funding opportunities, training opportunities etc. First outcomes are expected by June 2018. It’s time to join! More...

Contact person:
Luc Schmerber
inno AG


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)