Learning by Doing - Learning by Doing Bilateral Staff exchange, Deva, Romania,5-6th of June 2018


The Bilateral Staff exchange was organized in Romania by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hunedoara in partnership with NCTVETD for the guests of the partners from the Danube Regions interested in the current performances of Romanian TVET.

The program included two interactive days focusing on the Romanian decentralization model known as “multilevel governance” in TVET.

This action extended the impact of our local interventions in Hunedoara County at the level of other Regions in Romania -Region North Est and Region Centru, by involving the experts for social partnership from these regions. The discussions provided concrete examples for the competencies at central level concerning the management of VET, and the competencies already decentralised at regional and local level, thus increasing the role of the local actors in the definition of VET supply. The role of the chambers of commerce need to be incresed, based on their sound expertise and valorising their direct relation with the employers; this is one of the efficient way to improve the relevance of the VET qualification to the labor market needs.

The participants considered very useful the experience sharing context, and identified various similarities between the systems in Danube Regiona together with useful lessons ready to be shared. 


Then the participants were invited to the Title of Excellence 2018 Award. The title represents the stakeholdersÌ• recognition of the TVET schools from Hunedoara county, enhancing the WBL approach in education.

14 VET schools applied for a direct audit realized by the employers, local authorities and relevant partners from the community. They awarded these schools with 9 titles for ATTRACTIVITY, 6 titles for RELEVANCE, 5 titles for FLEXIBILITY, 5 titles for INNOVATION and 1 title for BUSINESS.

The whole experience increased the mutual trust between the schools and local partners, and opened the further opportunity for more efficient cooperation in WBL in VET.   


The staff exchange results will be capitalized for the Danube WBL Observatory -  the transnational network  as the final output of the project.

Based on the Stakeholder group experience, we intend to propose some of the piloted and successful actions to be extended at national level, and to be included in the actions of the Danube WBL Observatory.

The Title of excellence scheme is one of these recommendations, based on the cooperation at local level between the chamber of commerce and the regional representatives of the VET system, they together have the needed expertise to ensure the real involvement of the most relevant local actors: employers and schools, authorities and communities.

We provide for our partners from Danube Region the already piloted methodology, ready to be adapted to their specific context.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)