Learning by Doing - Analysis of the State in Secondary Vocational Education in the Sarajevo Canton


The round table was held on May 31 2018, which focused on the analysis of the state in secondary vocational education in the Sarajevo Canton. It was organized by the Chamber of Economy of Sarajevo Canton and the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth. This round table is one of the anticipated activities within the project “Learning by Doing”. Prior to this event, the study of secondary vocational education in Sarajevo Canton, was successfully completed, in accordance with the given project guidelines.

The analysis was based on the latest documents and educational policies of relevant institutes and agencies.  The results indicated that certain positive movements regarding the regulation of functioning of the secondary education, especially when it comes to its orientation towards practical teaching and fostering connections to the economy. In addition, a need for systemic control of key indicators emerged and they include: distribution of high school graduates in the labor market after their graduation with respect to the branches of economy, percentage of companies which provide internships to students, as well as indicators of quality management in secondary vocational education. Precisely, the quality management of the entire system of secondary vocational education appeared to be one of the key factors which requires modifications and improvements in order to strengthen the ties between the education system and the economy.

After the discussion at the Round table, it was concluded that currently there is positive climate and a will for introducing innovations and refining secondary vocational education. However, it is also emphasized that it is important to continue working on reinforcing the relationship between the economy and education system in the future as well. Moreover, the potential for participation in international programmes such as Learning by Doing is recognized, in the context of getting an insight into good practices in the countries of region and the European Union and also due to the ability to use the projects’ funds to fuel incentives in the local environment.


For more information about the Learning by Doing project, please visit dtp.interreg-danube.eu/Learning-by-doing
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This project is co-funded by the European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)