
A representative VOICT OI LAB – Serbia from Novi Sad, Professor Vojin Senk, participated in the Local Demo Day for DA-SPACE Open Innovation Lab at Technical University of Sofia on 15th May 2018 and had a lecture on open innovation and innovation management as a part of the staff exchange among the DA-SPACE partners.

The participants of the local demo day were: Prof. Vojin Senk (UNS), Prof. Lubomir Dimitrov, prof. Milka Vicheva, assoc. prof. Pancho Tomov, assist. prof. Vladislav Ivanov, MEng Kiril Nikolov (TUS), George Voutev (GIS), seekers, solvers, guests.

VOICT OI LAB – Serbia is an Open Innovation Lab established within the EU project ‘Open Innovation for Enhancing Entrepreneurial Skills and Public-Private Partnership in the Danube Region’ (DA-SPACE) by two Serbian partners University of Novi Sad and Vojvodina ICT Cluster. VOICT OIL - Serbia has already offered a series of entrepreneurship trainings to young talents in Novi Sad.

This visit was organized in parallel to the ‘edition one’ of the local innovation labs, as a part of the transnational staff exchange among the DA-SPACE partners, but it was also a great opportunity for partners’ representatives to meet, talk and exchange experiences while allowing a cross-border transfer of knowledge to happen between two traditionaly connected regions.

Professor Vojin Senk had a chance to talk to young talents about open innovation and innovation management through his presentation ‘Starting high-tech environment out of necessity – case of the University of Novi Sad, Serbia’, and also spent some time after the presentation answering the questions and talking to young talents, participants of the Local Demo Day for DA-SPACE Open Innovation Lab at Technical University of Sofia, as they showed real interest in finding out more on basic concepts of open innovation and innovation management.

The most important output of this visit was a chance for local young talents to benefit from this transnational exchange on enterpreneurial topics and raise their entrepreneurial skills.

This visit has laid the ground for a deeper knowledge exchange in future in the field of entrepreneurship education between DA-SPACE project partners from both Bulgaria and Serbia.

University of Novi Sad is a higher education institution, and the Vojvodina ICT Cluster is one of the most successful Serbian clusters. Both are partners in DA-SPACE project. DA-SPACE Open Innovation Lab Novi Sad is established in Business Incubator Novi Sad.

Contact information:
daspace@uns.ac.rs, smilja.krajinovic@vojvodinaictcluster.org

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)