DBS Gateway Region - Third Partner Meeting, 17/18 May, Galati


On 17/18 May 2018 the third partner meeting will take place in Galati, Romania discussing the current status of the project implementation and upcoming activities to build up a cooperation network on a well-informed, well-prepared, well-focused and well-supported basis.

So far the partners are proud about several already achieved outputs (indicated in blue boxes in the graph above) in the middle of the project´s lifetime (grey boxes symbolise those activities still to come).

Potential Analysis

The potential analysis is the basis for the Joint Vision 2040 and gives an overview of existing and future market potentials. Relevant information from existing studies was gathered, harmonised in terms of indicators, actuality and data quality. The analysis builds on the outputs of former projects such as DaHar, GIFT, INWAPO, ADB, EMPIRIC and others.

Joint Vision 2040

The Joint Vision 2040 is based on the potential analysis and describes the economic, regional and logistic development targeted for the DBS Gateway Region. It is an aspirational description of what the region would like to achieve or accomplish in the mid-term or long-term future. It will serve as a guide for choosing current and future courses of action.


The Roadmap consists of measures suitable to reach the Joint Vision 2040 and aims at turning the Danube-Black Sea region into an attractive gateway region for maritime and inland waterway transport. In a comprehensive list all relevant measures (whether already existing in actual master plans and strategies or new ideas added by the partners) are included.

Regional Action Plans

Each participating region currently works on concrete actions taken from the Roadmap. These measures can be implemented at regional level whilst contributing to the development of the whole DBS Gateway Region. In a next step each region will further develop a key project and bring it one step closer towards implementation.

Funding Guideline

As most stakeholders mention the lack of money as key problem for implementing important measures in the region, the partners worked out a funding guideline including national as well as international financing possibilities throughout the DBS Gateway Region.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)