SMART FACTORY HUB - Report on Capacity Building Academy


Training academy was used for capacity building identified regional facilitators and project partners, with the aim to foster the transfer of knowledge, best practices and enhance interregional cooperation. The ultimate goal and final output based on three-day training held in Stuttgart (DE), organized and implemented by the University of Stuttgart and University of Cluj-Napoca. Training sessions provided for a 25-30 person (project partner members and selected facilitators) coming from all partner regions.

The following Training materials discussed during the Training Academy:

  • Technology transfer management
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • I-4.0 Maturity Model
  • Design Thinking
  • I4.0 Readiness Toolkit
  • Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma
  • Statistical process control (SPC)
  • Augmented reality work instructions
  • Digitalization of Intralogistics and Manufacturing
  • Platforms for bringing smart automation solutions to life
  • Production Cell 4.0
  • IT - Strategies for Digitalization

The main aim of the three-day intensive training session was to train facilitators in the project.

During the three-day training session, the participants heard interesting information among others, for example, the I4.0 Readiness Toolkit, which provides a three-step process aimed at giving SMEs a good understanding for their current I4.0 readiness and support for enhancing it. The Toolkits set up in a modular way so that SMEs have free choice on the type and depth of support provided to them.

They heard useful information about Six Sigma with the help of an interesting exercise in which the participants had to build a paper airplane and let it fly as far as possible. Through this exercise had been explained what Six Sigma is and what its purpose is. This exercise was also explained when which sigma occurs and how many errors per 1 million pieces there are in each case. After that, the performer introduced the Lean Six Sigma to avoid the eight types of waste.

The participants had the opportunity to visit the Future Work Lab, IPA Applications center 4.0 and IPA Robotics Lab too. The participants guided through the above-mentioned labs and they had the opportunity to try out advanced robotics solutions and ask questions.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)