DanuBioValNet - Cluster training in Cluj


Invitiation to 2nd Cluster training in Cluj

After the oustanding success of the Open Innovation 2.0 Conference 2017, the Northern Transylvanian Cluster Consortium, a member of the Romanian Cluster Association, comes back with a 4th international conference dedicated to bringing together partners from Europe and Asia.
The conference presentations will make reference to the Open Innovation 2.0 concepts, where, along with actors from the knowledge triangle (companies, Universities and public administration) we are involving citizens as well. European and Asian entities (South Korea, China, Japan, e.g) are invited to actively involve in this conference.

This matchmaking event is organised under the umbrela of Enterprise Europe Network through ARIES Transilvania.

The event aims to bring together partners from EU and Asia, such as clusters, but also companies from the following fields: ITC, bioeconomy, agriculture, furniture, production, creative industries, tourism. We want to provide the appropiate framework for the creations of strategic partnerships between represenativ structures and regions representing the two continents.
More details about the conference can be found on: http://transylvanianclusters.ro
More details about the match making event can be found on https://ue---asia-gateway-2018.b2match.io/.

Cluster training_Agenda

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)