DA-SPACE - Innovative entrepreneurial training for young talents in Open Innovation Lab of “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați, ROMANIA


The entrepreneurship training within DA-SPACE project is offered to young talents participating as solver in the Open Innovation Lab. Solvers need to have an entrepreneurial mindset and understand which business opportunities might hide behind a given solution for the Challenges they are solving.

The entrepreneurship training aims therefore at cultivating an entrepreneurial attitude of the young talents being active part of the lab. The skills learnt in the training are directly applied in the realization of the open innovation projects within the lab.



The general framework of the Entrepreneurship training was set up in a flexible way, taking into consideration all constrains and needs of each regional OI Lab.  Nevertheless, four modules (namely: Idea Generation, Lean Startup. Business Model and Presentation Skills) are compulsory to cover the minimum level of Entrepreneurship Content in the Training.

The Entrepreneurship training at Open Innovation Lab of “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati includes the following modules, with a total time budget of 64 hours, of which 36 hours dedicated to the compulsory modules.

1) Team Building (4h);

2) Project Management (4h);

3) Idea Generation (4h);

4) Lean Startup (8h);

5) Market analysis (4h);

6) Business Model (12h);

7) Marketing (8h);

8) Open Innovation and Innovation management (4h);

9) Prototyping (3D printing and Printed Circuit Board) (8h);

10) Presentation Skills (8h)


In April and May 2018, the last 24 hours of training will take place, including the third module dedicated to Business Model, presented by our colleague Ms Valentina Drillea, Senior Innovation Programme Manager at Bwcon GmbH, Germany (our partner in DA-SPACE project). The contribution of the visiting expert form Germany is related to the transnational component in the staff exchange among the trainers and experts involved in each region. The staff exchange serves the transfer of knowledge among universities and other institutions and offers the opportunity to learn new practices and methods already adopted in another region. On April 5, our trainer from UDJG (partner in DA-Space project), Professor Alexandru Căpățînă had the privilege of challenging the minds of young talents from DA-SPACE Open Innovation Lab of Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, during his Training module related to Open Innovation.

Another important event will take place on April 13, 2018 when our colleague, Professor Alexandru Căpățînă is invited as a speaker to the Launch conference of the Openhub Creative Cluster. He will present the challenges and opportunities offered to business environment by the Innovation Lab in Galati. Dunărea de Jos University of Galati is one of the members of the cluster. The initiative to develop a cluster in the creative industries comes as a result of identifying the needs of the association, interconnectivity and consolidation of geographic concentration of institutions and companies in the creative industries in Galati. The necessity of this cluster is based on many advantages of Galati County, making it a growing pole of national and European importance in the next period.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)