MOVECO - MOVECO – Circular Economy Toolbox


The MOVECO consortium is currently developing materials for the implementation of the circular economy – the MOVECO toolbox. The toolbox will contain information, collaboration, and financing tools, as well as a qualification programme to support business support organisations, small and medium-sized enterprises and research and development institutes, as well as other stakeholders to recognize and unleash the innovation potential of circular economy in the Danube region.

The information tools have already been prepared and are available online on the MOVECO website:

Currently, the project partners are developing qualification, collaboration and financing tools for the shift towards the circular economy. The MOVECO partnership cooperates closely to benefit from the different experiences and expertise of the partners from all over the Danube region – not only via email, web meetings and telephone, but also in staff exchanges.

On January 29th, 2018, a regional staff exchange took place between the Cluster of Environmental Technologies Bavaria (UCB) and the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR). UCB visited BayFOR at their premises in Munich to collaborate in the further development of the circular economy tools.

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(Photo credit: MOVECO project)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)