DANUrB - Student works_FASTU_Komárno 2018


The summer semester of 2017/18 is at the Faculty of Architecture STU Bratislava (FA STU) predominantly dedicated to the twin-cities of Komárno (SK) - Komárom (HU) and their adjacent region.

Within the course of Urban design studio, students of the third year of the Bachelor´s study in the first half of the semester worked on two set territories characterized by the inadequately used heritage and very specific values. The first was the area of a former ammunition factory that include a number of listed monuments which are currently under-utilized or abandoned and are lying on the banks of the Váh river. The second area involved the Danube river bank and the Elisabeth's Bridge, too. The main objective of the studio was to find some sustainable future scenarios for both areas and to define specific functions and typologies that could exploit the current genius loci and other unique potentials of these sites.


Student work examples: Authors_Lukáš Blana, Adam Benčo, Viera Gurová, Michal Kováč, Katarína Humajová, Marián Kleiman (students of FA STU)

Developing the project proposals necessarily included the on-site and field workshops. On February 20, more than 40 students with their teachers visited Komárno (SK) in order to discuss their designs with local stakeholders and city representatives.They presented their viewpoints, plans, preferences and perceptions on the selected city vision and possible scenarios of its development. Very valuable was the view of the town architect Kristián Csémy who expressed his comments and opinions on student works, as well.  Although the weather was ominously freezing, the FA STU team also explored various parts of the city to search for many interesting but perhaps neglected urban gems.



During the second part of the ongoing semester, students will focus on the scale of individual objects. Within the course of Monument restoration design studio, the emphasis will be put on finding and providing solutions for bringing back to life one of the selected (listed) building with unexplored and underdeveloped potential.

For more information about the DANUrB project, please visit dtp.interreg-danube.eu/danurb
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This project is co-funded by the European Union funds (ERDF and IPA)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)