Learning by Doing - LAUNCHING the `Excellence Title Award` – "TITLUL DE EXCELENȚĂ` 2018, for VET school in Hunedoara county, Romania


Hunedoara Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the National Centre for TVET Development are the two Romanian partners implementing the LEARNING BY DOING project, cofinanced by EU, through the `Interreg Danube Strategy` program. The lead partner is Chamber of Commerce and Industry Budapest, and the project covers 24 partners from 14 countries. 
The main objective of the transnational cooperation is to strengthen the cooperation among local actors, in order to better support the local, regional and national partnership for the technical and professional education in the Danube Region. 
The local stakeholder group involve companies, local authorities, school inspectorate and other relevant actors, is implementing the actions included in the proposed and adopted National Plan; One of the five priorities is targeting the VET schools, providing them the opportunity to receive a structured audit delivered by their principal partners, the companies and local authorities. 
Based in this audit and monitoring scheme, the schools’ experience and results can be recognised and awarded by an Excellence Title, endorsed by the partners, the local community.
For the 2018 edition of this intervention, the Stakeholders groups adopted the following five Excellence areas, proposed for the monitoring exercise:
After the launching event, in 22 March 2018, (Inspectoratului Școlar Județean Hunedoara, Str. Gh. Barițiu, nr. 2) the schools are invited to express their interest, to register for one or more area of excellence, to be monitored and recognised for their results!
We expect to better motivate these schools, to promote their results in work based learning, to make them more attractive among the students and their parents. 
The online form is available for each interested school at https://goo.gl/forms/VtCNwZ4nrVWMt7Jt2
The adopted methodology, the schedule of the local audit action was presented by Ildiko Pataki, regional coordinator from NCTVETD, The project and the objectives was presented by Crinela Gafton, General Manager of Hunedoara Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 


For more information about the Learning by Doing project, please visit dtp.interreg-danube.eu/Learning-by-doing
Follow the Learning by Doing project on social media:


This project is co-funded by the European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)