Learning by Doing - Transnational Working Meeting Ljubljana - The summary of the discussions


On 27-28 February 2018, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia hosted a transnational working meeting of the project Learning by Doing, co-financed by the ESSR in the IPA Fund under the Interreg Danube program.

The meeting started with a briefing made by LP about the progress of project implementation. Participants agreed then about the most important tasks and deadlines concerning the upcoming periods.


1st year review overview:
- In general, JS PO is satisfied with project implementation
- A high level of pro-active management attitude and clear commitment of all PPs to keep deadlines set by the LP (or WP leaders or other actors in charge of crucial tasks) is needed to make a complex transnational project like ours really work
- We have to include in the upcoming 2nd Project Progress Report a clear description on how the partnership develops in light of the above
- JS PO plans to attend next project partners’ meeting in Brno in June
- Communication and its activities are crucial
- Outputs are of the most importance (47 in total at the project level)
- LP has successfully procured independent Quality Control independent expert
- Outputs need to be very concise and up-to-the point as they will be rigorously analysed by the JS.
- Each WP Leader is in charge of filling in Output Factsheet.
- Interim Quality Report is due on November 2018.


For more information about the Learning by Doing project, please visit dtp.interreg-danube.eu/Learning-by-doing
Follow the Learning by Doing project on social media:


This project is co-funded by the European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)