Transdanube.Pearls - Third regional workshop on the project in Ulm/Neu-Ulm


Third regional workshop on the project organized by the Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm

On 13 March 2018, the Danube Office-Ulm Neu-Ulm organized the third regional workshop about the project Transdanube.Pearls. Focus of this workshop was the presentation of the first draft of the Sustainable Regional Tourism Mobility Plan (SRTMP) for the region Ulm/Neu-Ulm that will be finalized in June 2018.

In preparation for this workshop, stakeholders from the field of tourism and mobility came together in work groups and discussed specific short- and long-term measures as well as the further necessary steps for implementation and the responsible institutions. During the workshop, these developed measures elaborated in a small work groups have then been presented to the wider audience of experts working in the field of mobility or tourism.

Altogether 25 stakeholders from the mobility and tourism sector attended the event. Among them were representatives of the municipalities of Ulm and Neu-Ulm, NGOs working in the field of nature protection, cycling, tourism associates as well as local and regional transport providers. The participants once more expressed their willingness to intensify the cooperation and to actively contribute to the implementation of the elaborated measures of the SRTMP. Besides, regional partners expressed their willingness to cooperate in this network bringing together mobility and tourism beyond project lifetime.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)