DTP Workshop in the 5th EUSDR Forum


The Danube Transnational Programme organised a workshop within the 5th edition of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) Forum held in Bratislava on 3rd and 4th November 2016 under the title 'Innovation flows - Water, Knowledge and Innovation in the Danube Region';: www.danube-forum-bratislava.eu.

The workshop presented the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme and some of its next milestones. It started with a general overview of the Programme, in which the programme area, priorities, calls and budget were presented, as well as the main differences with the EUSDR. The following presentations focused on the DTP as a financial instrument for the Danube region: what the programme supports and the activities to be financed; and on the general information concerning the second call for proposals. After these presentations, some time was allocated for a match-making session addressed to potential project applicants. Finally, the main features of the "Seed Money Facility" were explained in detail, including its objectives, target group and foreseen allocation mechanism.

Apart from the workshop, the DTP had a stand in the exhibition area to promote the programme itself and to give information to any interested participant in the Forum.

All presentations made during the EUSDR Forum plenary sessions and workshops, including the DTP one can be found here.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)