Excellence-in-ReSTI - Conference in Belgrade


On Thursday, March 1st 2018, the Faculty of Economics, Belgrade University hosted a conference entitled "Bridging the gaps in Research Social and Technological Project Management in the Danube Region", which had as participants more than 70 experts in the areas of innovation, science and business from the entire region.


State Secretary, prof. Vladimir Popović and Assistant Minister, prof. Viktor Nedović gave impressive keynote speeches and shed light on R&I landscape in Serbia.



Within the conference, after the speech delivered by the keynote speakers, two panel discussions were held dealing with the following topics: "What is the true impact of research and innovation projects in the Danube Region? Entrepreneurial and policy making perspectives" and "Towards capitalization strategy goals: How to fill the knowledge gaps by linking projects with complementary topics?"

Prof. Kutlaca spoke about unlocking the potentials for business and social innovation in the Danube Region by equipping young people with new generation skills.


The conference ended with a special event "Reaching through the five doors", a workshop within which participants solved a given problem using the five-door approach.



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)