SMART FACTORY HUB - New trends and key success factors in research and development


Fraunhofer IAO conducts expert survey on trends in research and development

Feb 21, 2018

The increase of digitalization has brought new challenges and responsibilities for employees and managers working in research and development (R&D). The Fraunhofer IAO is conducting an expert survey of R&D departments at manufacturing companies in order to determine current trends, key success factors and objectives in this field.

Digital transformation is shaking up a raft of processes and structures across whole sectors of business. Companies that are busy adapting to their customers’ digital requirements must first gain an understanding of what exactly the market, their own company and their own market rivals are undertaking in this field. Then, and only then, can they come up with their own strategy. Such a strategy starts at a very early stage of the development process, namely in the R&D department. Effective R&D strategies are therefore an increasingly important factor. These in turn presuppose flexible processes, dynamic organizational units and agile methods, all focused on the needs of the customer.

Survey will show where companies need concrete support

In the light of these trends, the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO is conducting – for the third time in a row – an expert survey on current R&D trends in companies. The survey is directed at R&D employees and managers in manufacturing companies and aims to identify the concrete requirements of R&D departments. The survey aims to deliver a structured evaluation of new trends and key success factors, which is to be published in the form of a scientific study.

Trend survey to run until April 30, 2018

The survey can be completed online via the link below. It is also available as a download. The survey runs until April 30, 2018. It comprises 30 questions and takes approximately 15–20 minutes to complete. The anonymized results of the survey will be analyzed for statistical purposes and then published as part of a study.

Participants will also have the opportunity to network with managers from the R&D departments of other companies as part of the planned R&D management network project 2025.

More information:


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)