
The fourth and the last DRIM pilot action took place in Graz on 13th and 14th February 2018. It was opened by the introductory speech by Roswitha Müller from the Department of Integration of the City of Graz and Anton Fink, representative of the Caritas Academy in Graz. The pilot action coincided with the carnival time that positively influenced the creative atmosphere of this event. Apart from the creative moment, the pilot action was very well organized, with participants having been able to participate in piloting activities of three different groups. During the pilot action, there was also enough space to meet the participants more in depth. The group work with stakeholders was also very beneficial for the DRIM consortium.

Some of the DRIM associated partners also joined the pilot action and contributed greatly with their comments and suggestions to the improvement of the DRIM main information tool for migrants, namely the DANUBE COMPASS. There are only a few steps left in the completion of the DANUBE COMPASS – to incorporate changes and improvements from pilot actions, to finalize translations of the DANUBE COMPASS to 17 different languages and finally, to launch the tool. We look forward to this moment!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)