Learning by Doing - Local Capacity Building Workshop: ”Quality Assurance: Title of Excellence” - Romanian partners, February 22nd, 2018


The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hunedoara and The National Centre for TVET Development organised on February 22nd, 2018, the workshop entitled ”Quality Assurance: Title of Excellence” at the County School Inspectorate Hunedoara.

The stakeholders meeting was organised as part of the transnational project “Learning by Doing” and aims at stimulating local impact through strengthening capacities of all relevant initial VET local actors.

Consequently, the participants are representatives of education, employers, local main public authorities, county agency for occupation, NGOs, trade unions. Most of them are members of the Local Committee for the Development of Social Partnerships (LCDSP) created in order to ensure a better connection and real partnership between school offer and employers needs.

The stakeholders analysed the current situation, challenges and prepared an invitation for the local schools to apply for the Title of Excellence, Edition 2018 for appreciation of their contribution to the initial VET correlated with labor market.

During the meeting the participants during the meeting, the participants discussed the school evaluation methodology, the competence areas, the registration conditions and the calendar of the competition organization.

The project ”Learning by Doing” is financed by the European Union through the Transnational Cooperation Programme for the Danube Region and addresses the fourth thematic priority of the Transnational Cooperation Programme for the Danube Region: a well-governed Danube region: providing support for the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region and improve the legal frameworks and policies to address major societal challenges, such as measures on the labour market, education systems, demographic changes,etc. It is coordinated by the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and brings together 24 partners among which the National Cnetre for TVET Development and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hunedoara.

The workshop will contribute to the improvement of all relevant VET actors’ capacities through reinforcing national, regional and transnational partnerships in order to facilitate the development and strengthen existing VET systems in the Danube region countries.


For more information about the Learning by Doing project, please visit dtp.interreg-danube.eu/Learning-by-doing
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This project is co-funded by the European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)