Danube GeoTour - 3rd project meeting in Hateg UNESCO Global Geopark, Romania


Successful meeting in Romania from 12th – 15th February 2018

The Hateg UNESCO Global Geoparks in Romania had the chance to welcome the Danube GeoTour project partners from 8 countries. The subtitle shows the goal and the challenge which the partners are facing: »Valorisation of geo-heritage for sustainable and innovative tourism development of Danube Geoparks« The project is co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA).

During the first days in the Hateg Geopark the partners had the possibility to be part of a joint GeoProduct training. Invited guest speakers from Romania and the Associated Strategic Partner Naturtejo Geopark from Portugal, Carlos Neto de Carvalho, were giving interesting inputs for the development of GeoProducts in each partner’s Geopark. Each partner is developing a so called GeoProduct according to geoCulture and geoOutdoor themes to strengthen the dissemination of the Geoparks and the involvement of locals. In addition, a field trip through the Hateg Geopark took place to discuss GeoInterpretation according to best practice examples. In the Hotel Ferdinand and the municipality hall the partners found everything they needed for their meeting and workshops. In conclusion, every partner was satisfied concerning the successful meeting. The project team just would add many thanks to the organizers from Hateg including all their involved helpers and partners.

The main project result will be joint Danube GeoTour designed to strengthen cooperation between the Geoparks regions and act as an innovative tourism product to accelerate visibility and tourist visits in the geoparks. Sharing experiences, testing pilot Geotourism products and new interpretative approaches should increase local inhabitants' engagement, Geopark management capacities and lower the quality gap between Danube and other EU Geoparks.

More information about the project and the organizers are available within the following links: 



Some impressions of the meeting:

Greetings by Mr. Marcel Adrian Goia, the mayor of Hateg City and Mr. Viorel Demian, the vicemayor.

Field trip and GeoInterpretation at Hateg UNESCO Global Geopark

Visit of the Hateg Geopark Information Centre

Copyright Pictures Hateg UNESCO Global Geopark


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)