NETWORLD - Lecture on the heritage of the First World War in Austria at Danube University Krems
Julia Walleczek-Fritz, PhD, an expert on the history of the First World War and head of the NETWORLD project at the Danube University Krems gave a lecture on the NETWORLD project and Austria's First World War heritage in the framework of the university program Cultural Property Protection at Danube University Krems on February 2, 2018. She especially broached the issue of how to communicate the heritage of the First World War and presented different Austrian initiatives and institutions dealing with this matter. Among other things, she reported on the association Friends of the Dolomites (Dolomitenfreunde) who initiated the idea of the Paths of Peace (Friedenswege/Vie della Pace) in the 1970s and manage a museum on the history of the war in the mountains 1915-1918 in Kötschach-Mauthen (Carinthia) as well as an open-air museum regarding the First World War on Kleiner Pal/Plöckenpass (Carinthia).