
The Danube GeoTour Project continues with the activities designed to establish the foundation for the development of the collective Idrija Geopark trademark, the main purpose of which is to enhance the recognisability of local products, to include the providers of different services in the trademark chain, to create added value for local products, and to spread the impression of products’ high quality among consumers.

In the past weeks, four meetings were organized with the representatives of local providers. The purpose was to encourage them to create and design products that will be included in the collective trademark. The meetings took place in different locations (in Kanomlja, Črni Vrh, Idršek, and Idrija) so that providers from different areas could pick a venue that was closest to them. We introduced our activities, best practice examples, and procedures for acquiring a certificate for their products. The meetings showed that the notion of a collective trademark was well accepted. The providers had a plethora of ideas for the design of the products. The meetings also gave us an opportunity to get to know new providers. We hope that we will successfully co-operate in the future.

A working group was formed as part of our activities. It consists of representatives of local providers, local institutions experts whose aim is to preserve heritage, Idrija Heritage Centre staff, and external experts in the field of development of collective trademarks. The working group has already met and gathered constructive proposals and opinions regarding the legal bases.

Cuisine, handicrafts and art form the starting points for the development of the collective trademark.  The following products will be able to obtain a certificate:

  • handicrafts and products with unique and industrial design
  • dishes and beverages served in a restaurant manner
  • events with a traditional note, 
  • different tourist products (tourist package, workshop, tourist programme)

In 2018, all interested local providers will be able to attend a training programme about the development of local products.  In this respect, we will offer our expertise and evaluate for free entered products, which will be, based on the commission’s opinion, included in the Idrija Geopark offer. Together with product designers, we will prepare a concept for better visibility and recognisability of products, suggest a uniform visual image, and prepare a marketing and promotion plan for selected products in the Idrija Geopark.

Some impressions: Copyright LP_IHC


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)