EDU-LAB - Developing the new Danubian governance model: stakeholder meeting in Maribor, 25-26 January, 2018


On January 25th and 26th, the University of Maribor held the second EDU-LAB seminar and workshop, with the main goal to finalize the description of the New Danubian governance model, including the Policy guide “How to start – Implementing the new Danubian governance model”.

The New governance model will focus on how:

  • a combination of theory and and practice is incorporated in the tertiary education,
  • a life-long learning system is developed in a systematic and sustainable way,
  • a cooperation between universities and companies in the field of teaching and research is enabled by law and stimulated by financial incentives,
  • the cooperation is a major stimulus for university research and practice oriented study programs,
  • in order to combine theory and practice, companies take over a binding and long-lasting commitment and responsibility in the learning partnership with universities

On the first day, 75 representatives of stakeholders from the fields of education, industry and politics, attended the morning session that focused on the main goals and future perspectives of EDU-LAB and were then actively involved in two workshops that lasted until the evening. The participants shared their opinions and ideas on how the New Danubian governance model should be prepared in order to achieve the greatest impact possible. The morning of the second day was reserved for the project partners’ meetings, discussing the further steps and challenges.

The work and discussions that took place during the two days resulted in excellent ideas on how to update the New Danubian governance model and the Policy guide. Therefore, in the next step, the University of Maribor EDU-LAB team will include the accumulated ideas in the final version of the document and will hold the last round of discussions with project partners before disseminating it.

The goal and outcomes of the seminar and workshop were widely reported by the Slovenian regional and national media:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)