Danube GeoTour - 3rd partner Meeting in Hateg UNESCO Global Geopark, Romania


The third project partner meeting of the Danube GeoTour is taking place form 12th - 15th February 2018 in Romania. The meeting is going to be in the Hateg UNESCO Global Geopark in Western Romania (1 hour West of the city Sibiu). The meeting is organized by our project partner the University of Bucharest (UNIB). The first two days are going to be a training with a field trip concerning the workpackage "GeoProducts with Character". Best practices are going to be presented and inputs are gained within the topics geoCulture and geoOutdoor. The last days the 3rd SCOM Meeting is taking place including the First Year Review with the participation of the Joint Secretary of the Danube Transnational Programme. All partners are looking forward to the next meeting and move forward with the deliverables and outputs of the Danube GeoTour project.

Hateg Country Dinosaurs Geopark (HCDG) is the result of a multidisciplinary grassroots project coordinated by UNIB since 2000. HCDG has joined European Geoparks Network (EGN) & Global Geoparks Network (GGN) in 2005. Following this international recognition a special unit of UNIB is in charge with the management and development of HCDG.  

The geopark is located in south – west Transylvania, in Southern Carpathians and overlaps a distinct geographical and historical region known as Hateg Country. To best describe the area think of mountains with high pastures suitable for sheep heards, of forests of fir, beech and oak that fall over the hills, patches of orchards and valleys with farm fields and small villages. Hateg County is hosting one of the richest cultural and historical heritage in Romania comprising former Roman capital of Dacia, Sarmizegetusa Ulpia Traiana, oldest stone churches and important medieval and modern fortresses and mansion houses. Rich tangible and intangible heritage was shaped by local geodiversity.

Some impressions of the Hateg Geopark below (Copyright Hateg UGG). More information about the meeting destination: en.hateggeoparc.ro or en.unibuc.ro




Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)