Excellence-in-ReSTI - Innovations from Belgrade


Two student teams, which have completed the three-month program in the Start-up center at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, are invited to present their entrepreneurial ideas at an investment fair in Innsbruck, Austria, from 8th to 10th March, 2018.   


The team called ‘Auxesia’ invented a gadget which enables communication in an easy and simple way while practicing winter sports, like skiing or alpinism. The other team called ‘Bikeseeing’ is going to introduce a web platform that connects bicyclists with tourists, offering an adventurous and exciting way of sightseeing.  


The program which the members of both teams have completed, offered them skills that are necessary for creating a company: from articulating the idea and recognizing the potential buyers, to developing a minimum product and strategy for quick entry to the market.

Additionally, the Start-up center of the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade has announced a call for the second generation of students for the free mentorship program.

The deadline for submitting the applications is 20th of February 2018 (link).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)