TRANSGREEN - Experts from 7 countries congregate to take important steps toward the Guidelines on Integrated Transport Development


Bratislava, Slovakia. 22nd-23rd of January, 2018. Experts from fields connected to integrated transport planning congregated in Bratislava on a working meeting that sets an important milestone in developing one key TRANSGREEN output: the Guidelines on Integrated Transport Development. Seven countries were represented in the meeting, showing the high interest in bringing input in a document that would influence the way transport planning is done in the CEE region.

The year begins with intense work and a meeting which perfectly showcases the multisector approach promoted by TRANSGREEN. The final project output - the Guidelines on Integrated Transport Development – cannot exist without the collaborative work of expert-authors from across the region and across fields of expertise. In the Bratislava meeting, there were represented field experts for fauna and flora, transport infrastructure companies, spatial planners, lawyer, GIS experts, and IENE members (Infra Eco Network in Europe, IENE is a network of experts working with various aspects of transportation, infrastructure and ecology) from Austria, the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine.

The meeting agenda covered editing and organizing the Guidelines and distribution of work, and a session on the HU-SK-UA pilot site. The session aimed brought updates on findings of the field work dedicated to verify ecological corridors and areas of conflicts along the planned/existing roads.

The main results of the meeting are important for the Guidelines structure and contents: an updated structure of the Guidelines, new authors being assigned specific topics, and an overall refreshed connection to the common vision. One conclusion was that live meetings are welcome for the work process, therefore the next meeting has already been planned for the month of March 2018.

Photos (c) Ivo Dostal

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)