CrowdStream - Stakeholders Meeting crowdfunding in Tehnopolis, Montenegro


Meeting with stakeholders and potential supporters of crowdfunding was held in Tehnopolis on Tuesday, December 12th.

Moderator of the event was Radivoje Drobnjak, along with Vladimir Vulic, one fo the founders of Business incubator manager of IEC Tehnopolis Jelena Djedovic presented the CrowdStream project within which the meeting was organized. Besides representatives of Tehnopolis, participants at the meeting were also representatives of ministries and the banking sector. 

The focus of the meeting was the development of ideas and a shared vision for the implementation of activities that involve the change or improvement of the legal framework in order to improve the conditions for crowdfunding at the national level, and identify the barriers to its development through practical examples.

The aim of the meeting was to help participants analyze the current situation in the state and the potentials for creating an innovation-friendly environment, as well as to encourage a better understanding of the problems and needs of local small and medium enterprises that are in the process of seeking innovative forms of financing with focus on crowdfunding.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)