D-STIR - Let's look back - First year of our project


D-STIR project (Danube Framework for Responsible Research and Innovation using Socio-Technical Integration) began in January 2017 and is as such looking back to the first year of actively working into direction of improved Danube framework conditions for innovation.

15 partners from eight EU countries (Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Chech Republic, Romania, Germany, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina) have achieved first important steps towards socially, environmentally and ethically research and innovation in Danube region. Also towards Danube Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Strategy, which will include recommendations and concrete tools, particularly an adaptation of the STIR (Socio-Technical Integration Research) Method. With this D-STIR Project is already encouraging innovations that bring responsible products to the markets swiftly and is managing risks.

What also makes D-STIR Project possible is transnational cooperation among complementary partners. Consortium of partners is already working with three transnational RRI stakeholder groups - business, academia and Danube - gathering target groups from policy, academia, business (including SMEs) and civil society across Danube region. 

But the crucial part of D-STIR Project will take place in the first part of 2018, when all partners will implement pilot actions in companies and academia institutions in all eight countries. Pilot Actions will apply STIR Method in selected environments and encourage further capacity building through learning interactions, including study visits to pilots. 

Project specific objectives:

  • Build capacity of Danube R&I actors to develop/apply RRI strategies
  • Design, test and promote transfer of a Danube RRI strategy
  • Strengthen policy that improves Danube RRI framework conditions


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)