FORESDA - British Columbia is investing $7.7 million to promote the use of wood


The Government of British Columbia is investing $7.7 million to promote the use of B.C. wood, advance wood building systems and products, and expand global markets. Premier Christy Clark made the announcement in her keynote speech already in April, pointing out that the forestry will always play a crucial role in communities throughout B.C. Of the $7.7 million, $5.9 million will be made available for activities targeted at expanding markets for B.C.’s wood products, with investment priorities that reflect evolving market opportunities in Asia and North America. The remaining $1.8 million will be made available for activities delivered through the Wood First program, which fosters the innovative use of wood and wood building systems in B.C. through research, education, marketing, and capacity building. The annual funding is being made available to 14 different industry trade associations and research institutes that deliver market development programs on behalf of government and industry. B.C.’s contribution is being managed through Forestry Innovation Investment, the Province’s market development agency for forest products. “Over 90% of B.C.’s forest products are exported, making international trade vital to the success of the forest economy. Market development and diversification not only safeguard against global uncertainties but also create new, higher-value opportunities for B.C. producers”, said Minister of International Trade Teresa Wat. Advancing wood use and growing international markets is a collaborative effort. The Province will cost-share these activities, with additional funding being provided by industry and the federal government through Natural Resources Canada. Building international markets for B.C.’s natural resources is a component of the BC Jobs Plan. The B.C. forest sector employs more than 60,000 British Columbians and supports over 7,000 businesses. In 2016, B.C. exported $13.9 billion in forest products (lumber, pulp and paper and other wood products), which represented 35% of B.C.’s total exports. More oon BC Gov News

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)