YOUMIG - Kanjiža is calling, Kanjiža is tempting, can you hear?


A successful film premiere and forum was held in Kanjiža.



There is a new, youthful kind of energy in Kanjiža, and it’s bringing about positive change. Young people come together and initiate workshops and exchange programs, community-driven volunteer actions, film clubs and conversations, design and implement EU projects. That is a huge thing in a small town which battles emigration.

That is how the article published in the Hét Nap weekly starts its description of the Kanjiža Calling documentary film premiere and public forum held on October 13, 2017. The audience was introduced to the YOUMIG project with a broad outline of the project’s activities, and a more detailed description of ongoing efforts.

The report goes on to introduce Tamás Oláh, the young director and film maker who masterfully created small windows into the lives of migrants from Kanjiža. The idea of the film was to show the human side of migration journeys, to make it about more than numbers, data and statistics, and to make it the basis for a dialogue. A dialogue between people who leave, people they leave behind, those who consider leaving… The film helps understand the process of migration from a personal point of view. The film crew talked to all of the subjects for about half an hour, and it was difficult for them to cut and edit the narratives to 3-4 minute-long stories, because the material was so rich. Still, they are keeping the parts which were left out, hoping that they will be able to continue the project in the future.

Article published October 25th in the printed issue of the Hét Nap weekly in Serbia

Kanjiza Calling has received numerous prizes, you can read about them here.

If you haven't seen the film yet, that's something you can do here.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)