Danube GeoTour - Publicity event in Geopark Bakony-Balaton


In December our project partner UNESCO Global Geopark Bakony-Balaton had the possibility to hold a publicity event about the project to dissaminate the transnational and local goals of this project. The goal of the international project is innovative and sustainable tourism development, based on the rich geological heritage of the geoparks – among them the Bakony–Balaton UNESCO Geopark – of the Danube Region.  In order to interpret the volcanic heritage of the region, the Hegyestű Geological Visitor Site, the Basalt Organs Nature Trail on Badacsony Hill and the Geobotanical Nature Trail on Szent György Hill are to be renewed and a new trail is being developed in the Káli Basin where experts made a field visit in December.

Copyright Pictures UGG Bakony-Balaton

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)