Danube GeoTour - Filming activities for Danube GeoTour Image Video


In Autumn filming for the Danube GeoTour image video started in the UNESCO GLobal Geopark Bakony-BalatonUNESCO Global Geopark Hateg in Romania and in the Aspiring Geopark Djerdap in Serbia.

During the two days in Hateg, the shooting team was present in their visiting points: House of Volcanoes (in Densuş village), House of the Geopark (located in Hateg town), House of Science and Art (located in General Berthelot village), House of Dwarf Dinosaurs and House of Traditions (located in Sinpetru village), the House of Rocks (located in Ohaba Sibisel village) and the medieval Castle and Monastery of Colț (located in Suseni village).
In Djerdap the filming team started their mission by locating the equipment close to Boljetin River Gorge where shooting started. Several shoots and footage were recorded there. Next filming destination was on hill Kovilovo. Nevertheless, most of the filming time took place at viewpoint Ploce.

In 2018 the other project partners are getting involved as well. At the end, the output is a image video including all seasons and Geopark destinations along the Danube GeoTour. 

Copyright Picture BBDTM

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)