NewGenerationSkills - Preparing the Youth Innovation Lab in Bulgaria


This is a local report from the Bulgarian project partners: Sofia Municipality and Sofia Development Association. Learn how they started to plan their Innovation Lab with the youth of Sofia city:

"The dream of the Youth Innovation Lab was the main issue we ideated with 30 young people representing different youth NGOs, organizations advocating people with disabilities rights, students, representatives of Sofia Municipal Council and Local Advisory Group.

The Sofia Development Association team in cooperation with the Sofia Municipality team organized the interactive event under NewGeneration Skills project, funded by Interreg Danube Programme.

The discussion had 3 ideation sessions: the (infra) – structure: the PLACE – how it would look like in order to attract young innovators; the PEOPLE – whom we would like to have there working and who would be the main target; the SERVICES – what would be the services our Sofia Innovation Lab would offer.

We believe the involvement of decision makers from the Sofia Municipal Council and the future users of the Innovation Lab in the beginning of the process of creating the Sofia concept is a guarantee for its successful creation."

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)