DANUrB - DANUrB goes China


Following the invitation of Prof. Lv Hongyi (University of Zhengzhou) OIKODROM researcher Dr. Heidi Dumreicher and Michael Anranter, MA presented DANUrB to distinguished Chinese representatives and research experts attending the 2017 Canal and Towns Forum in Hua County (Henan Province, China). Like cities along the Danube, Hua is rich of both, material and intangible cultural heritage related to the Grand Canal, and builds on the opportunities provided by the 13th national plan: valorisation, maintenance and development of material and intangible cultural heritage have become a key issue in China.

Subsequently to a visit of distinguished heritage sites in Hua County attendants at the Canal and Towns Forum presented their approach and were invited to make suggestions. In this occasion OIKODROM researchers presented the DANUrB project highlighting stakeholder involvement to ensure long-term success, emphasized the collaboration of entities along the river to improve water quality and identify opportunities for economic development (i.e. tourism). At the farewell dinner we further envisioned the creation of a new shared cultural identity and practice for the inhabitants: for the future there may be a chance to visit not only the Danube cultural promenade, but also the Grand Canal one.


Picture 1: From Left to Right: Lv Hongy, Heidi Dumreicher and Michael Anranter at the Canal and Towns Forum in Hua County – Photograph by Michael Anranter, OIKODROM
Picture 2: Local artist forming animals made from sugar through special skills using his hands and mouth – Photograph by Michael Anranter, OIKODROM
Picture 3: Expert delegates from all over China and Austria investigated, evaluated and further developed the undertakings to preserve cultural heritage along the Grand Canal in Hua County – Photograph by Michael Anranter, OIKODROM

For more information about the DANUrB project, please visit dtp.interreg-danube.eu/danurb
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This project is co-funded by the European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)