
Within the project „CROWDfunding to mainSTREAM innovation“, 2nd CrowdStream Stakeholder Meeting was held in Zagreb on November 30th 2017.
The main goal was to present the possibilities of group financing and discussion on needs of local SMEs in terms of access to alternative financing. The Meeting was attended by representatives of business support organizations, innovative local SMEs and start-ups, public institutions and academic community. Marko Helfrih presented the CrowdStream project and regional characteristics on CF regarding economic, legal and investment situation, CF main actors, platforms and volume. During the event, introduction to CF and its positive and negative aspects was presented by one of the leading experts in the field of CF, Dan Marom. His presentation was followed by Marko Gregović from Brodoto d.o.o who presented the main benefits of CF and importance of preparatory activities before launching the CF campaign. Two successful CF campaigns were presented – Bagizzmo by Ladislav Jurić and Eve V by Velimir Elezović. During the event, panel discussion was held on key CF challenges with emphasis on crowd power, building the CF community, risk anticipation and importance of transparency.



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)