D-STIR - How does social responsibility manifest in companies and research organizations?


On 3 November 2017, partners from Czech Republic - Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Central Bohemian Innovation Centre organised the second stakeholder meeting which took place in Dolní Břežany. The title of the seminar was: How does social responsibility manifest in companies and research organizations? Participants from companies, research organizations, business partner organizations heard presentations on the topic of the procedure in the implementation of the D-STIR project, the STIR method and its application in practice, the RRI in terms of preparation of the new programming period, etc.

Stakeholders are aware of the importance of responsible research, but SMSs do not have the spare capacity to implement RRI in their business strategies, because the most important factor for customers is the low cost of the final product. Stakeholders appreciated the presented information about the STIR method and its pilot verification in the Czech Republic. Others expect partial results from this verification. At the next meeting, they expect partial results from the verification.

Photo highlights from stakeholder meeting:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)