Learning by Doing - Cooperation between economy and education opens the possibility of reducing unemployment


Chamber of Economy of Sarajevo Canton, together with the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth KS, which is also a project partner, organized a two-day study visit within the project "Learning by Doing", funded by the European Union through the Danube Transnational Program.

The goal of the project is to improve capacities in the field of vocational education through the formation of regional, national and transnational partnerships in order to facilitate the transition to the dual education system in the countries of the Danube Region.

Besides Bosnia and Herzegovina, project participants from Slovakia, Serbia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary and Ukraine will share their knowledge and experience with their local partners as well as identify the challenges that local partners are facing.

First day of study visit participants visited School of Electrical Engineering for Energetics, as well as companies where the practical part of the training is being conducted (“Energoinvest EMS”-Energy Management Systems and “ETI Sarajevo d.o.o.” -manufacture of control equipment for the electricity distribution).

GIZ representative, Mr. Mirza Jusufović advisor for support for adult education, spoke about dual education and its possibilities in the education system in B&H.

“The concept of dual education relates to the developed countries where it originated. The adoption of a dual system similar to the Austrian, German or Swiss secondary vocational education system depends on a number of conditions and the countries implementing the reform of the education system need to know its basics and principles - Jusufovic said, adding that this system should enable more efficient education and employment of young people.

Second day of study visit participants will visit Secondary School of Agriculture, Food Processing, Veterinary Medicine and Service Activities, as well as the Secondary Technical School for Graphic Technology, Design and Multimedia, as well as companies where the practical part of the training is being conducted („KLAS d.d. Sarajevo“ -food industry and CPU Printing Company - print shop).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)