NewGenerationSkills - School hackathon in Bulgaria


School Hackathon: "Smart School 4 Smart School Children" was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, co-organized by Sofia Development Association (project partner in NGS) in September.

The idea behind the event was to bring young people with bright ideas together and create a bridge between their imagination and new, innovative technologies.

The competitive categories given to the participants to choose from where all connected to the subject of technologies, innovation and positive communication between students and young people as a whole. The Hackathon helped not only the participants, but also the experts of the team of "New Generation Skills" project. The innovative projects ideas will find place in the Sofia Youth Innovation Agenda in order to bridging the gap between education, and new generation skills needed for navigating in the changing world and give young innovators support in bringing their ideas to life.

The participants developed several great project, like a robot that can help you learn English, a platform that can contribute to the communication between students, teachers and parents, and the first prize project - a system which helps with the sharing of information about deadlines, exams and tasks between students.

The Sofia NGS team and the participants in the Hackathon exchanged ideas and learned from one another during the event, helping to bring the gap between students and experts.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)